Pita Bread
Consumer Information
Byblos is a producer of high quality Pita Breads. Byblos Pita is the number 1 branded pita bread in Western Canada. We proudly offer our bread throughout retail grocery chains all over Western Canada and in food service applications in the Western United States. Please feel free to contact us for specific information regarding where you can pick up our various varieties of Pita Bread.
Business to Business
Byblos Bakery is extremely proud of the fact that we are the Number 1 Branded Pita Bread Product in Western Canada.
Since 1975, we have produced high quality bread and now provide our product throughout Western Canada and into the Western United States.
Byblos Bakery can provide you with our branded Pita breads or supply you with a Pita bread for your Private Label program. We currently produce the following Pita Bread:
Pocket Pita – 3”, 7”, 8”, 9” and 10”
Pocketless Pita – 7” Greek Style
Whole wheat
Tandoori Naan
Garlic Naan
High Fibre
Balady Bread™ - White
Balady Bread™ - Whole Wheat